Train: Base Empreinte πŸ‡«πŸ‡·

πŸ’‘ High-Level Description:

Base Empreinte, managed by ADEME, is a comprehensive environmental impact database combining data from Base Carbone and Base IMPACTS. It supports environmental evaluations by offering multi-criteria data, including greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and other environmental impacts.

When applied to train travel, Base Empreinte factors in key variables such as train type, location (e.g., Corsica and Ile-de-France), and fuel source, ensuring accurate emission calculations. This methodology enables stakeholders to understand the environmental implications of train travel while providing data for eco-friendly decision-making.

API Request

  "expand": [
  "items": [
      "type": "train",
      "methodology": "base_empreinte",
      "external_reference": "test_1",
      "number_of_travelers": 1,
      "origin": "FRA",
      "destination": "NCE",
      "train_type": "tram",
      "state": "Ile-de-France",
      "country": "FR",
      "year": "2021"

API Request Items

  • "type": "train" (required)

  • "methodology": "base_empreinte" (required)

  • "external_reference": A unique identifier that helps you link the resulting emissions to the requested item. Especially useful if multiple items are requested since SQUAKE cannot guarantee to keep the same order. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • "number_of_travelers": Minimum value is 1. The default value is 1.

  • "origin": SQUAKE will try to resolve the origin/destination regardless of its format. Ideally, for addresses use the Post standard, for airports use IATA/ICAO code (e.g., "MUC"), and for cities or states, use ISO standards (e.g., "FR" for France).

  • "destination": See "origin" resolution process.

  • "distance_in_km": Prioritized over origin and destination. If you pass both distance_in_km and origin/destination, distance_in_km will be used.

  • "train_type": Base Empreinte considers ter, tgv, intercity, metro, tram, trolleybus, and main_line.

  • "state": Supported states are Corsica and Ile-de-France. Defaults to "Ile-de-France".

  • "country": Defaults to "FR" (France).

  • "year": Defaults to the latest available year when not provided.

  • "city_type": Defaults to "population_under_250000" when state is not provided. (Alternative is population_above_250000).

  • Default Values

    • "city_type": "population_under_250000"

    • "country": "FR"

    • "year": Latest available when not passed.

    • "train_type": Defaults to main_line if only train type is passed.

Sample API Response

    "carbon_quantity": 4890,
    "carbon_unit": "gram",
    "items": [
            "carbon_quantity": 4890,
            "carbon_unit": "gram",
            "external_reference": "test_1",
            "type": "train",
            "methodology": "base_empreinte",
            "distance": 685.0,
            "distance_unit": "kilometer"


  • ADEME. (2025). Base Empreinte - DonnΓ©es d’impacts environnementaux. Retrieved from

  • ADEME. (2024). Base Carbone Methodological Guide. Retrieved from

  • ADEME. (2023). Documentation on the Base IMPACTS and emission factors for trains. Available via official ADEME publications.

Last updated

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