πŸ’‘ High-Level Description

ACRISS (Association of Car Rental Industry Systems Standards) is traditionally known for establishing coding systems for car rentals and travel industries. Over time, its focus has expanded to encapsulate methodologies addressing the environmental impacts of the automotive sector. When assessing cars, the methodology developed by ACRISS emphasizes the nuanced distinctions between various car models, fuel types, and usage patterns. They understand that a compact city car's emissions differ vastly from a large SUV, and their method takes such disparities into account.

This methodology offers a detailed perspective on the carbon emissions from cars, focusing on vehicle specifications, driving behaviors, and maintenance practices. Recognizing the car industry's evolution with electric and hybrid vehicles, ACRISS has continually updated its approach to remain relevant and accurate, ensuring that car emissions data stays in line with the latest technological advancements and industry standards.

Sample API Request

    "expand": [
    "items": [
            "type": "car",
            "methodology": "ACRISS",
            "external_reference": "string",
            "origin": "Frankfurt am Main, Germany",
            "destination": "Berlin, Germany",
            "fuel_type": "diesel",
            "acriss_car_type": "C"

API Request Items

  • "type": "car" (required)

  • "methodology": "ACRISS" (required)

  • "external_reference": A unique identifier that helps you link the resulting emissions to the requested item. Especially useful if multiple items are requested since SQUAKE cannot guarantee to keep the same order. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • "origin": SQUAKE will try to resolve the origin/destination regardless of its format. Ideally, for addresses use the Post standard, for airports use IATA/ICAO code (format: ^[A-Z]{{3,4}}$, e.g., "MUC"), for other locations used in trade and transportation use UN/LOCODE codes (format: ^[A-Z]{{2}}\W?[A-Z2-9]{{3}}$, e.g., "DEHAM"). You can also pass lat/long (format: ^[-+]?\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,10}}\s?,\s?[-+]?\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,10}}$, e.g., "+40.712,-74.006").

  • "destination": SQUAKE will try to resolve the origin/destination regardless of its format. Ideally, for addresses use the Post standard, for airports use IATA/ICAO code (format: ^[A-Z]{{3,4}}$, e.g., "MUC"), for other locations used in trade and transportation use UN/LOCODE codes (format: ^[A-Z]{{2}}\W?[A-Z2-9]{{3}}$, e.g., "DEHAM"). You can also pass lat/long (format: ^[-+]?\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,10}}\s?,\s?[-+]?\d{{1,3}}\.\d{{1,10}}$, e.g., "+40.712,-74.006").

  • "distance_in_km": Prioritized over origin and destination. If you don't have a distance_in_km, you can use origin and destination and the distance will be automatically resolved. If you pass both distance_in_km and origin/destination, then distance_in_km will be used.

  • "fuel_type": ACRISS accepts petrol, diesel, hev, phev or electricity. The default value for ACRISS is petrol.

  • "acriss_car_type": Available car types: C: Compact, D: Compact Elite, E: Economy, F: Fullsize, G: Fullsize Elite, H: Economy Elite, I: Intermediate, J: Intermediate Elite, L: Luxury, M: Mini, N: Mini Elite, P: Premium, R: Standard Elite, S: Standard, U: Premium Elite, W: Luxury Elite, X: Special, O: Oversize. Default value is E.

  • "sipp_car_type": If acriss_car_type is not passed then SQUAKE will automatically resolve it using the SIPP code; used for ACRISS. Mutually exclusive with pseudo_car_type, only one can be given at the same time.

  • "pseudo_car_type": If neither acriss_car_type nor sipp_car_type are passed, then SQUAKE will automatically resolve it using the Pseudo code; used for ACRISS. Mutually exclusive with sipp_car_type, only one can be given at the same time. Values are ACAR, ACGO, ACNV, ACPG, ACPR, ACRS, ADSL, AEIG, AELC, AELT, AETH, AFWD, AGRN, AHYB, AHYD, ALLB, ALLC, ALLD, ALMO, AMAN, AMCY, AMFP, AMNO, AMTO, ANIN, AOFR, APET, APUP, AREC, ASEV, ASIX, ASPC, ASPT, ASUV, ATRV, AUTO, AVAN, or AWGN.

  • Default values

    • "fuel_type": "petrol"

    • "acriss_car_type": "E"

Sample API Response

    "carbon_quantity": 65636,
    "carbon_unit": "gram",
    "items": [
            "carbon_quantity": 65636,
            "carbon_unit": "gram",
            "external_reference": "string",
            "type": "car",
            "methodology": "ACRISS",
            "distance": 538.0,
            "distance_unit": "kilometer"


  • Environmental Responsibility & CO2 Emissions Guidelines (n.d.). ACRISS. Retrieved from

Last updated