Road Freight: DIN EN 16258

πŸ’‘ High-Level Description:

The DIN EN 16258 is a European standard that addresses the methodology for calculating and declaring energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in transport services. This standard, specifically tailored to the transport sector, offers a structured approach for stakeholders in the road freight sector. By focusing on factors such as fuel type, vehicle efficiency, and load optimization, the DIN EN 16258 provides a comprehensive blueprint for road freight operators to quantify their carbon emissions with precision.

While its applicability spans across different modes of transportation, its relevance in road freight is notable. The methodology takes into consideration both operational emissions, stemming directly from fuel combustion, and embedded emissions, such as those related to vehicle production, maintenance, and end-of-life. The granularity of DIN EN 16258 ensures that every emission source in the road freight journey is meticulously accounted for, facilitating transparent reporting and benchmarking.

Sample API Request

  "expand": [
  "items": [
      "type": "road_freight",
      "external_reference": "test_1",
      "origin": "BER",
      "destination": "FRA",
      "weight_in_tonnes": 0.5,
      "truck_type": "under_7.5_t",
      "energy_scope": "ttw",
      "methodology": "DIN-EN-16258"

API Request Items

  • "type": "road_freight" (required)

  • "methodology": "DIN-EN-16258" (required)

  • "external_reference": A unique identifier that helps you link the resulting emissions to the requested item. Especially useful if multiple items are requested since SQUAKE cannot guarantee to keep the same order. The maximum length is 128 characters.

  • "origin": SQUAKE will try to resolve the origin/destination regardless of its format. Ideally, for addresses use the Post standard, for airports use IATA/ICAO code (format: ^[A-Z]{3,4}$, e.g., "MUC"), for other locations used in trade and transportation use UN/LOCODE codes (format: ^[A-Z]{2}\W?[A-Z2-9]{3}$, e.g., "DEHAM"). You can also pass lat/long (format: ^[-+]?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,10}\s?,\s?[-+]?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,10}$, e.g., "+40.712,-74.006").

  • "destination": SQUAKE will try to resolve the origin/destination regardless of its format. Ideally, for addresses use the Post standard, for airports use IATA/ICAO code (format: ^[A-Z]{3,4}$, e.g., "MUC"), for other locations used in trade and transportation use UN/LOCODE codes (format: ^[A-Z]{2}\W?[A-Z2-9]{3}$, e.g., "DEHAM"). You can also pass lat/long (format: ^[-+]?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,10}\s?,\s?[-+]?\d{1,3}\.\d{1,10}$, e.g., "+40.712,-74.006").

  • "distance_in_km": Prioritized over origin and destination. If you don't have a distance_in_km, you can use origin and destination and the distance will be automatically resolved. If you pass both distance_in_km and origin/destination, then distance_in_km will be used.

  • "weight_in_tonnes": Numeric value.

  • "truck_type": Values are under_7.5_t, under_12_t, under_24_t, or under_40_t. Default value is under_3.5_t.

  • "energy_scope": Values are ttw or wtw. Default value is wtw.

Default values

  • β€œtruck_type”: "under_7.5"

  • β€œenergy_scope”: "wtw"

Sample API Response

    "carbon_quantity": 68994,
    "carbon_unit": "gram",
    "items": [
            "carbon_quantity": 68994,
            "carbon_unit": "gram",
            "external_reference": "test_1",
            "type": "road_freight",
            "methodology": "DIN-EN-16258",
            "distance": 552.0,
            "distance_unit": "kilometer",
            "algorithm_specifics": {
                "algorithm_type": "DIN-EN-16258",
                "data": {
                    "energy_factor_ttw_in_MJ": 926,
                    "energy_factor_wtw_in_MJ": 1103,
                    "ghg_emissions_ttw_in_g": 68994,
                    "ghg_emissions_wtw_in_g": 83825


  • Method for Calculating and Declaring Energy Consumption (2013, March). DIN EN 16258.

Last updated

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